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Monday, April 28, 2014










Did you ever take stock of your life and realize just how many true and authentic friends you actually have?  The old adage goes that if you’re lucky, you can count your true friends on one hand, but that you will have many acquaintances et al, who will enter and leave your life quickly and sometimes without rhyme or reason.  I used to wonder what the purpose was of those people who enter our lives for just a short time and then came to realize that they are lessons.  Each person that has entered my life, whether the outcome was good or bad, has taught me a valuable lesson and been an intricate  part of advancing my life on its true course. 

I used to get angry when I let certain people in who in turn would me in some manner, but then again, I was the one who let them use me so the “oops” was really on me, not on them.   Each time though, I learned something about myself, about life, about feelings, emotions and value.  Each time I’ve gained insight into who I am on a much deeper level as I notice my reactions to their actions and sometimes, very rarely mind you, I come out of it with someone who actually sticks around…someone who actually cares about me…someone who I know I can count on through thick and thin, ups and downs, sanity or insanity, fighting and making up, with a “forever” feel to our connection. 

I just want to thank you, God, for this beautiful life you have given me to cherish, for the clean slate I am granted every morning, for free will and for the awesome people who enter my life, see me for who I really am (even on my road to self-discovery)  and still want to stay.  I grow stronger every day because of you and because of them.

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